
Sunday, July 25, 2010

National Zoo (Zoo Negara) Animal Portraiture Project

I just came back from the zoo. This is the best place to test my 18-200mm Nikkor VR2 zoom lens. Under good lighting conditions, it is very sharp. However, I need a flash for fill in light since my pop-up flash range is quite limited. Anyway, there's always render light effect in photoshop. Muahaha!

My first processed portrait of a tiger in his swimming pool. Very sharp eyes. Huhu!

The monkeys behind bars. Kinda sad.

Cute little rabbits:
It's Bambi!!!

Bigger animals...

These animals looked tired.

Something small like a kangaroo could make it more interesting:

Or a giant tortoise:
You looking at me? hehehe...

Crocs. Real ones, not those ugly rubber flippers.. hehe

Next, I zoomed to this bird through it's cage:

Giraffes are tall.. really tall!

However, the biggest animal of all... the mighty Elephants!

Next animal, the birds...

The 'tenuk' seems really bored...

Finally, some really 'fierce' animals which are my favourites:-
This lion is relaxing..

But, this tiger is active!

Lastly, the savannah...

End of line.

1 comment:

KFK said...

and tomorrow, gotta go to work. I'm soo tired. huhu!